One of the biggest headaches in employing people is getting HR policies right. If you fail to have basic documentation in place, even in very small companies, it can cause untold hassles, headaches and much worse. So why take the risk?
Save time and money by using our ready made free policy template in your business. This policy has been written by experienced HR professionals and is updated regularly to take into account changes in UK employment legislation. It’s as simple as downloading this document and letting your employees know about it.
Equal Opportunities Policy
The Company is committed to promoting equal opportunities as an employer, and as a provider of services. The Company will make every effort to prevent discrimination or other unfair treatment against any of its employees, potential employees, suppliers or guests, regardless of sex, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, marital or civil partnership status, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, age, political or religious belief. The Company is opposed to discriminatory practices and attitudes, and is committed to translating this into all aspects of its everyday work.
Equal Opportunities in Employment
The Company is committed to developing and maintaining working environments and practices which ensure equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment. Equal opportunity at the Company not only covers recruitment and selection but is also related to an employee’s terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to, placement, promotion, transfer, training, compensation, termination and leaves of absence. In addition we are committed to providing opportunities for people with disabilities to work successfully at the Company and will duly make reasonable changes to our working environment to make it possible for disabled people to work as part of our team. Discriminatory attitudes or behaviour to fellow employees, suppliers or customers are unacceptable at any time and a visible commitment to equal opportunities is a requirement of all employees.
Equal Opportunities in the Provision of Services
The Company is committed to providing services which are relevant, attractive and accessible to all those who might wish to use them. Employees are required to be fully aware of their responsibilities in this respect and to ensure that systems of referral to our services do not operate to exclude or discourage participation, and that our employees are welcoming and attentive to all potential clients.
Responsibility for the Equal Opportunities Policy
All employees are responsible for observing the principles of the Company’s equal opportunity policy. Those who hold supervisory, management or other senior positions in the Company have additional and particular responsibilities to ensure the effectiveness of its application and the commitment of all employees and others to it.
Disclaimer: The recommendations should only be used as guidelines. Please only select the portions that apply to your organisation. Neither the author nor will assume legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in whole or in part within this article.
This template is ready to be tailored to your organisation’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your organisation’s employment policies. Edit the sections in red as appropriate.
Find more free HR company policy templates here, and read more about promoting excellent mental health at work here.